Product documentation
Rental Management Inquiries & Reports

The following Inquiries and Reports are available within the Rental module.

Rented-as Items

Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Inquiries and reports > Rented as

This is an overview of all items that have been "Rented As". This form shows all Rented as transactions.

Please note that the Item number column shows the item that has physically been rented out and the Rented as column shows the originally requested item.



Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Inquiries & reports > Invoices

From here you can choose between viewing Invoice Proposals or posted Invoice Journals (Project invoice journals).

From the Invoice proposal overview it is possible to post one or multiple invoice proposals.

From both overviews you also have the option to reprint the invoices, check tax amounts, totals, charges etc. and check the underlying vouchers.



Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Inquiries & reports > Journals

From here you can look at all and any posted journal from the following categories:

You can check all kinds of linked transactional information from the overview. You will also be able to reprint them from this enquiry too.


Project transactions

Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Inquiries & reports > Project transactions

From here you can see all posted project transactions for the type selected. The following types are available:



Navigate to Rental management - HSO > Rental objects > Rental objects >> Balances

When selecting the Rental object (>>) please note that the Balances function supports multi-select.

The overview that is opened shows financial and physical statistics (utilization etc.) for the selected object(s).


Rental charges overview

This overview allows the user to quickly see both missed rental revenue (when filtered up to today) and future revenue when the filter is set to future dates (the next month for example) of all rental orders. It shows both rental charges and usage charges.

The user can jump to the rental orders from this overview to create new invoice proposals or create them directly from the overview itself.

Navigate to: Rental management - HSO > Inquiries & reports > Rental charges overview


The following filter settings are available on the Rental charges overview:

Filter Description
Show realised When set to yes it shows both open and fully realised charge lines. When set to no it only shows the open charge lines.
Period Up until today: this filter is specifically designed to show the charges that have not been invoiced yet and have a rental transaction date in the past or on today’s date.
End of this month: this filter allows you to see what is expected to be invoiced for the remainder of the current month, including any overdue lines.
End of next month: this filter shows all charges with a rental transaction date up until the end of the next month.
All: shows all lines without any rental transaction date filters.
Invoiceable rental status only If set to yes, it filters out all rental orders with status open, showing just status delivered and terminated.


The following features are available via the charges tab in the ribbon on the Rental charges overview

Feature Description
Invoice selected lines Multi-select feature to create project invoice proposals. It opens the form with the project invoice proposals for the selection after running it.
Linked project transactions Shows an overview of project transactions per transaction type with info on proposal and invoice numbers (only for realised lines)
Project transactions Link to the posted project transactions of the selected line (only for realised lines)
Rental objects Shows rental object information for the selected charge line
Invoice proposals Shows the invoice proposal for the selected charge line
Invoice Shows the invoice after the charge has been posted